Whether you're putting up a personal website or a commercial one, you should choose your web hosting provider wisely. The reason is that you will most definitely want your website to be seen by the largest number of people. To do that it is essential to take a little time to go over certain basic but very important factors that will ensure more visibility for your site.
Once you found what you're looking for, you can easily forget about the whole " Shared Web Hosting U " thing because you already found it and it works for you automatically, so you can let go and do something else.
The opposite is possible as well. You can very well go straight into a company that overdelivers on all of the goodies that you end up staying with this company because it gave you what you wanted right from day 1 of signing up.
Not all Affordable Web Hosting companies offer unlimited amounts of e-mail addresses or e-mail accounts. If you are more than one person, a business for instance, you should consider web hosts that offer unlimited, or at least a lot more e-mail accounts than you need, to be sure you will not have to pay extra fees. You should also have a look on their web mail interface. Most web hosts offer web mail - but if it is poor, and you or other employees are traveling alot, you may want to reconsider your choice.
Paper checks are also an option with some hosting companies. The only drawback to this option is that you have to physically mail in a check each month. If your check is lost in the mail or arrives too late the hosting company can take your site down until the payment is received. Down time can harm your site's reputation and can lead to lost business or revenue.
FREE WEB HOSTING SERVICE. This is the most popular type of website hosting. From the word itself, the service is free. Because there are lots of beginners choose this type first before other type because they try to learn the basic things to do in managing website. But because it is free, you cannot have your own domain name. You will only have a sub-domain name. We are not recommending this type, better have a cheap web hosting, because sooner or later, you need to have your own domain name for your Shared Web Hosting UK.
There are other TLD's that are Global such as .com and .net and these tend to bee used by people or businesses who require a global presence. Of course this will also make them very sort after and extremely valuable.
Having looked at several of the top web host providers in the past, my choice is Vodahost. This is mainly because I prefer their website builder because it allows me the most control over designing my website.